Sunday, July 1, 2012


Late midnight of July 23rd thirteen years ago, a mother was clinging to the very end just to gave birth to this child who was expected to be lad, but as he came out from his mothers womb having his first shed of tears, everybody was in shock as they found out that his a girl, -- Well, that’s how her life started, her first peek to this very earth...
She was named Rochemae Yosores after her 3 sister’s names. She’s the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Roger Yosores, having her 4 other siblings who are: Rodiline (love), Richelyn (sweet), Shella Mae (sugar) and Klent Roger (choco bunch). As she grew up being taught and loved by people around her, She learned a lot of things through the experiences of her family and those people who loved and support her --- Having her own experiences in life taught her to be original (by not imitating others), to embrace reality, to build her own character and most especially to have God as her perfect example of living except her parents.
During her Elementary years she studied at Ronquillo-Dayanghirang Elementary School located at her very own place where she grew up. Those years were not easy for her, she’s been to up’s and down’s in the matter of academics, but still strived to be one of the best (GO GIRL).
After she graduated Grade school her parents sent her to South Philippine Adventist College to help her to become more independent and de used for God’s ministry, but she only spent two years there due to financial crisis. She’s currently studying in Manay National High School where her old friends are studying (KIMBERLY G, RIZA M, RYAN R, BRYAN D), -- That’s why it’s not difficult for her to adjust . SHE’S HAPPiER NOW J! Well, her hobbies are like watching movies, writing stories, singing, do some craaazy stuffs, reading supernatural books, chatting with friends, surfing on the net, eating and sleeping. Her favorite cartoon character are HELLO KITTY and SPONGEBOB because she can merely relate to their characteristics as  cartoons. She is dearly a lover of PiNK and BLACK J

Be with her as she keep you updated in her fancy blog.
Love, love, love <3


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